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  • "It's So Easy!"

    ~ Rena S.
       Monument, CO

1.) Claim Your House

Yarlow has an interface with a few Multiple Listing Services (MLS) that can provide housing details for us. Importing this information automatically makes it easy to add maintenance alerts that matter to you. Limit the amount of data entry and work required on your end.

If you cannot find your house in the Yarlow Home Search, choose "Can't Find House" and manually add it to your profile.

2.) Track Receipts

Add receipts, pictures and notes about work you had contracted on your house or work you have performed yourself. Why? If something went wrong, you know who should repair or replace it. Add warranty information and manuals and start decluttering your house.

Next time you are at the home improvement store and see light bulbs or filters on sale, no sweat! You can look up the information in Yarlow to see what type you need for your home.

3.) Add Appliances

Keeping track of your appliances can help automate warranty information, recall notices, service needs and more. Make Yarlow your one-stop-shop for all things related to your home!

4.) Get Realtor Sponsored
     Maintenance Alerts

Add your Realtor's custom Yarlow code to get suggestions from your home partner. Maintenance suggestions include inside and outside tasks that will improve your ownership experience. Did you know that it's best practice to drain your water heater once per year? Now you can get these quick tips as a push notification.

Don't have a realtor? That's ok! You can still get maintenance alerts and create your own.

Download the Yarlow App Today!

Data Privacy Matters to Us

Who Can See My Data?

Only you and people you invite to share your house. Any receipts, warranties, alerts and home details are private and not public information. The only information people can see without your permission is the MLS data that is already a public record.

How Do I Share My House?

Once you claim your home, you can invite a spouse, partner, child, parent, property manager or anyone you want to have access to your home details. Simply access the side menu and choose "Invite Owner, Tenant" and follow the directions. If you own an income property and share the property with a tenant, the tenant can add maintenance receipts and alerts. They cannot see warranties, appliances, or owner receipts. This way you as an owner can make sure tenants are performing required upkeep as per the lease agreement.

What Happens When I Sell My House?

Set your house apart from all others --

When you go to list your house for sale, make sure you put all of your maintenance and appliance receipts in Yarlow. This way, when buyers are looking at your home, they can bring up your Yarlow Report and see all of your hard work. If you had a choice between a home with no records and a home with detailed maintenance and warranty information, which one would you buy?


Once you have a contract on your home, the buyer can request a "Data Transfer." If you as the seller approve it, then the buyer now has access to your documentation. This way, the new owner can continue to add receipts and start receiving important alerts that you already set up (filter changes, driveway resurfacing, septic tank maintenance, etc).

Privacy Statement

For detailed information about Yarlow's privacy policy, follow this link.